12 years of traditional conference, 2 years online, 7 days of motivation and inspiration, 918 active participants this year, 52 external media outputs of the campaign, 39 conference speakers, 60 women mentors, 6 months of campaign.
Equal Pay Day is a space where women’s voices can be heard very strongly, we discuss topics that don’t open elsewhere. PR 1.4. 2021 Mutual support as the key to change.

Equality starts at home. (Mounia El Hilali) Because without cooperation of men and women, we will not achieve equal opportunities. “Let’s act, let’s start with ourselves, with influencing our perimeter. We all can make a change in our close environment. Together we’re stronger.”
The belief that a child under the age of three must be with its mother 24 hours a day condemns every educated woman to not being able to return to the same position as before she became mother. We need to start thinking about what role men should play in this new society, what role we need them to play for cooperation. New generation should have a culture that puts friendship and cooperation higher than romantic love. (Magdalena Vašáryová)
Family is your team! (Steliana Economu) A man who has an unhappy wife can’t be happy. (Cristina Muntean) Let’s choose partners who will allow us to fulfill our dreams. (Taťána Gregor Brzobohatá) Assumptions kill communication. Let’s have courage.
Take care of your name, surround yourself with high-quality contacts. What will be left of you if someone takes your business card? (C. Muntean) A trier does not know failure (Gabriela Bechynská). 3 superpowers – CLARITY, COURAGE and CHOICE. (Steliana Economu) We can’t expect someone else to do it for us and then be unhappy.
Each woman who gets into a high position should try to create conditions for other women so that they can do it too, and must be an inspiration for others. (Danuše Nerudová)
We can have everything. Dare to dare. (Jana Černoušková) The leader’s task is to create an environment in which we can say what we want. (Flavia Gomez Aragao) You must jump, you must take a lead, find confidence in yourself. (Antonia Burrell)
We are not silent, we talk about what we need. Be open, talk about what you want and need. It’s always THE right time. Every single person can ask for what they need. Ask what you want, don’t wait and negotiate about it. It is man’s responsibility
to promote women. Equal pay is a right, not a luxury. (Jackie Brock Doyle)
Equality is not about competition, but about mutual cooperation.
We thank our partners and media partners for supporting Equal Pay Day 2021.
Equal Pay Day 2021 at a glance
Czech Republic has the fifth highest gender pay gap in the EU at 18.9 % , compared to the EU average of 14.1 %. We communicate the causes, consequences and tools for equalization professionally with the system project 22 % K ROVNOSTI (22% TO EQUALITY) on the Equal Pay Day website.
Publicity of the 12th year shows over 50 external media outputs in the 6-month campaign. The main media partner TV Nova invited 6 guests to the show Snídaně s Novou (Breakfast with Nova) and published 4 articles on tn.cz. The total value of EPD communication according to the media plan from 2019 was calculated by the Wunderman Thompson agency at 3.5 million Kč. For the media.
We have set up a virtual counseling center on issues of fair pay for women. The counseling center is professionally covered by experts Lenka Simerská and Petra Sofie Haken. More on @rovnáodměna.
EPD crossed the Slovak border by hosting the mentoring part and the project BPWCR live, involving important Slovak celebrities and organizations and speech of Magdalena Vašáryova, which you will be able to watch again on YouTube BPWCR.
EPD campaign merged with the campaign #HereToBeHeard by MARS company. It follows on our 2019 call for female voice to be heard and culminates on Linkedin in April 2021.
CEO IKEA Mounia El Hilali presented the results of IKEA’s survey of stereotypes #fairhome. Together we addressed 306,746 members of the IKEA Family Club in Czech Republic and Slovakia in the International Women’s Day campaign.
WHY do we do it all? The pandemic gradually reveals long-term societal trends, such as the unequal division of roles in society. Today’s modern woman insists on lifelong learning and finds the time for herself. We met the needs of participants by dividing the program into a week and into time blocks, which can be scheduled for a busy day.
ČEPS, GASNET, UNIQA, AB Inbev, Allianz, IKEA, Mondeléz, HzM, TV Markíza, Essox and others used the activation of women through teambuilding at EPD as an employee benefit and motivation tool for strengthening team spirit and sharing common experiences.
We communicated the benefits of cooperation and mutual female solidarity through results of the campaign, e.g. within the network #HolkyzMarketingu 25K, expats in the Czech republic with #Foreigners 12K, members of the loyalty club #Rossmannzenam 212K.
Inspirational mentoring supported the courage and perseverance of 47 selected Czech entrepreneurs of the AWE Academy project. Second round of the project looks for its supporter.
12 years with MARY KAY! Thank you for the partnership. “Also classic network marketing can be quickly transferred to online and break records” Edita Szabóová.
We perceive digitalization as an important element of growth of the organisation. We transferred the 12-year project to the online environment and used the technological tools Fapi, Kontentino, SalesForce CRM for non-profit organisations, SmartEmailing, G Suite and Zoom. To deliver traditional high-quality EPD content, our organisational team turned the entire project into digital form. We streamed to all corners of Czech republic and to the whole world. Connection from anywhere.
To refresh the audience, we streamed a part of the program live from the Magenta Experience Centre, and our team can offer a similar product to you all year round.
Together with the Nordic Chamber of commerce, EPD complemented the informal online meeting with the former Global Head of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) at IKEA Group Sari Brody on the topic of Diversity & Inclusion.
The time that participants spent with EPD was a time devoted to the personal development of each of us. 7 days offered concentrated study, experiences and energy. We quote the participants “In an hour a person learns the same as in a whole week of training.” They can now spread the support to other women.
Let’s create our future together.
The campaign and event are formed by the public benefit organization Business & Professional Women CR z.s. (BPWCR), whose year-round projects medializate the issue of women’s equality in society and present women-experts to the public as still missing female role models. Mentoring activities then involve participants, facilitators, coordinators, mentors and #dobroholky(volunteers) and move women away from the comfort zone, where they learn by lifelong learning, support each other and motivate to other activities. If you also want to get involved, become a member, personal or corporate.
Do you have an idea for a topic or a speaker for next year? Write to us at bpwcr@bpwcr.cz.
Save the date | April 8 & 9, 2022 | Invitation to the 13th year of Equal Pay Day conference in the Czech republic.