15th annual of Equal Pay Day conference

11. – 12. 4. 2024  |  Clarion Congress Hotel Prague

The Equal Pay Day project aims to strengthen the economic security of women by provoking a professional discussion of companies and the public about the causes of the still high wage inequality. By sharing good practice and presenting female role models, it supports the equal status of women at work and in society.


11th April, 2024 | Conference

15th year of the prestigious international conference
is continuously and purposefully dedicated to finding answers to questions and challenges related to equal opportunities in society, profession and family.
According to many national and international indicators, we cannot fully utilize the potential and talents of women
there still remains an OPPORTUNITY for change

Conference program

12th April, 2024 | Empower Day
Opportunity to grow

A day full of networking to accompany the Zones programme
The longest tradition of female mentoring in the Czech Republic.
Since 2010, 20,573 mentees have been inspired.
Almost 100 role models for your personal growth and inspiration
Investment zone, Expo zone, Teens zone, Wellbeing zone and others
We do not cap the growing trend

Program of the day

Speakers & Mentors 2024

The goal of the project is to prove the existence of female role models thats why up to 85% of speakers
at the conference are women. It naturally forms a pipeline for other discussion forums and conferences
that care about equal representation in the public.
Since 2010, we have presented 335 female performers.

Nevena Crljenko

Speaker, Vice President Public Affairs Philip Morris

Andrea Gontkovičová

Speaker, Chairwoman of the Board and CEO of Philip Morris for CZ, SK, HU

Fredrik Jörgensen

Speaker, Ambassador of the Embassy of Sweden in Prague

Mosa Ditty Sejosingoe

Speaker, Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa

Lenka Simerská

Speaker, Chief Gestor of the Rovná odměna (Equal pay) project, MPSV ČR

Eva Koubíková

Speaker, HR director and member of the Supervisory Board, Allianz pojišťovna

Martin J. Siebenhandl

Speaker, General Manager CZ & SK, the LEGO Group

Kristýna Ochvatová

Speaker, Chief Strategy Officer VML

Since 2010


Women as Speakers


Conference Speakers


Female mentors
What is Equal Pay Day?

Equal Pay Day (EPD) is symbolic day dedicated the  the difference between male and female  salaries. It is global educational campaign organised by Bussiness & Professional Women International all around the world. EPD is pointing out ongoing gender inequality of financial rewarding called: Gender Pay Gap (GPG) and is accenting the day when women in relevant country reach the salary their male colleagues made by the end of previous  year.

We thank to our partners

General partner of conference

Main media partner

Expertise partner

Project partners

Media partners

Project supporters

Your right hand for the two-day program is the Eventee app

The outputs of the Equal Pay Day project are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and cooperating companies can use them for ESG reporting.

Since 2010, the non-profit organization Business & Professional Women CR z.s. using a year-long campaign culminating in a successful international conference.