Lenka Simerská

Chief Gestor of the Rovná odměna (Equal pay) project
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic

Thursday 11.4.2024

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague

About me

I am improving the lived reality of the female half of the world. I am a sociologist and an expert on the labour market and equal opportunities. I’ve been working on the status of women in society for 20 years. I am currently lending my time to the state’s service for systemic change and managing the Rovná odměna (Equal Pay) project at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. We are setting up strategies and tools to reduce unequal pay for women in the country.

I like to write, moderate and coach as well. I would like to have more time for all this. I am a city councillor and a member of expert groups and advisory bodies. It bothers me that there are not enough women in decision-making positions and not enough women in politics. I have set up a networking platform for direct exchange of experiences between women so that we can support each other. I called it LibuShe, after my mother, grandmother and our wise foremother, and it operates so far mainly in the Ústí region.