všechny aktuality

Mentorka Shigeri Takamatsu

Takamatsu-Shigeri-259x300MENTORING TIME

11:00 – 12:00 hod


Working abroad. How to start and manage international career.

(If there are people who are interested in broadening her experience by working abroad but do not know how to start, I am happy to be the sound board.)


Working abroad may not be something atypical to do today.  Still, a generation before it was unheard of.  First generation may not be so easy to find a support group.  There may be too much information (on Internet) and one may get lost or confused.  Opportunity is there, but one may not sure if the country is the right one.  In a business world, usually HR does not knock on staff’s door and invite you to work abroad.  There is always unknown risk involved with taking a step toward something new while you become the minority.


I believe that my experience may be relevant in this area and am happy to facilitate discussions (on a personal level) to those who is considering gaining experience across borders.

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