Sonia Deasy

CEO & Co Founder, Pestle & Mortar

Speed mentoring topic:
Motherhood & Entrepreneurship: Starting and Growing Your Business While Managing Family Life

Friday 12.4.2024

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague

Topic:  Motherhood & Entrepreneurship: Starting and Growing Your Business While Managing Family Life

I selected this topic based on my own experiences. Starting Pestle & Mortar while pregnant with my fifth child taught me the realities of managing a business and a family simultaneously. This roundtable is designed to share practical tips and strategies that helped me along the way, and the lessons I learnt.
Participants will learn how to efficiently manage their time, delegate tasks, and set priorities to ensure both their business and family thrive. We’ll cover how to establish boundaries that help maintain a balance between work and home life, and the importance of building a support system for both personal and professional growth.
The focus will be on actionable advice for starting and growing a business without neglecting family responsibilities. We’ll also discuss the importance of self-care and how to create a network of support that can help manage the challenges that come with balancing entrepreneurship and family life.
Participants will get the opportunity to discuss their fears and limitations, share personal experiences, and explore solutions. They will learn from the successes and mistakes of someone who’s been in their shoes, equipped with practical knowledge to navigate the complexities of running a business while keeping family life stable and happy. This roundtable is about offering real-world solutions for achieving a work-life balance that doesn’t compromise on success or family well-being.

About me

Pestle & Mortar is expanding globally by establishing distributor relationships, bringing our simple, effective skincare solutions to new countries. With exciting product launches happening this year, we’re committed to helping people achieve beautiful skin.

What does the word „opportunity“ mean to you?

For me, opportunity signifies a chance for growth, learning, or success, often presented by new situations or challenges.

What would you like to wish Equal Pay Day for its 15th birthday?

I wish Equal Pay Day brings us closer to a world where pay equity is not an aspiration, but a reality for all.

What opportunity changed your life?

The opportunity to channel my Indian heritage to create a skincare brand inspired by natural healing traditions transformed my career and life.

What opportunity did you miss?

I passed up an opportunity for investment, but it ended up being a good thing, because now my business is entirely under my control!