Valentina Tomova

PR and Communication, Sofia Municipality

Speed mentoring topic:
Strategic storytelling in political communication: winning hearts, votes and connecting with communities

Friday 12.4.2024

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague

Topic:  Strategic storytelling in political communication: winning hearts, votes and connecting with communities

I chose this topic because I have experience in the field of communications during various types of election campaigns – local, presidential, parliamentary. I have worked with established politicians and those who are just entering the field of politics. I can share experiences about building an image depending on the audience and campaign goals. The participants will learn how to adapt their storytelling techniques to various communication channels, including social media, speeches, debates and interviews. They will understand the importance of authenticity and credibility in storytelling and how to maintain these qualities while effectively communicating their political message. They will also explore techniques for evoking emotions such as empathy, hope and inspiration through storytelling to create meaningful connections with their audience. Participants will gain insights into how to craft messages that resonate with their audience and align with their political objectives. We will work on crafting compelling narratives, message refinement, audience analysis, storytelling techniques, building confidence, media training, crisis communication etc.

About me

I work at the PR and communication department of the Mayor of Sofia. I started in the pre-election campaign headquarter for the local elections held a few months ago. After the electoral victory, I continue to work with the team, which is now part of the city administration government.

What does the word „opportunity“ mean to you?

Opportunity is any situation we find ourselves in. I believe that in every event that happens to us – good or bad, we can find potential to develop and turn it into a good opportunity.

What would you like to wish Equal Pay Day for its 15th birthday?

Wishing you continued success in your mission for women’s empowerment and equality. Your dedication is inspiring!

What opportunity changed your life?

When I was 20 years old and studying political science, I accidentally came across the morning program of the Bulgarian National Television with an offer to be a reporter. I didn’t know anyone there and I had no TV skills. It was difficult and it seemed unlikely that I could manage university lectures and a new job at the same time. However, at the cost of a lot of effort, I was able to turn this chance opportunity into my future profession.

What opportunity did you miss?

I missed the opportunity to return to work in time after the birth of my two children. I wouldn’t call it a missed opportunity, though, because my dedication and care paid off many times over and gave them many new opportunities and an excellent start in life.