Katalin Ertsey

Diplomat, Hungarian Embassy in Prague

Speed mentoring topic:
Love your f*ckups!

Friday 12.4.2024

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague

Topic:  Love your f*ckups!

Through the individual fuckup stories of participants we will discover the fun and liberating experience of sharing our failures, laughing at ourselves, learning from mistakes and standing up after falling.

About me

I am working with women entrepreneurs on how they can learn from failures. Women are not encouraged to share their fuckup stories, but by practicing it in a safe environment, they realize the liberating effect of laughing at our own mistakes and standing up after falling.

What does the word „opportunity“ mean to you?

Opportunity is a chance to learn: about ourselves, from and about each other, about the world and our role in it. Learning about yourself is the best investment.

What would you like to wish Equal Pay Day for its 15th birthday?

I wish women to have less guilt, and more joy in life. We all push ourselves too hard…

What opportunity changed your life?

Transition from communism to a free society: it opened up the world, allowed me to study, live and work around the world and open my mind. I was on at an American university within one year after the regime change and never stopped discovering the world ever since.

What opportunity did you miss?

To settle down for good and lead a normal, average, predictable life.