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Publicity of EPD 2020

We pay great attention to the publicity of the conference, its main topics and focus, as well as the presentation to individual partners. We have created a unique system of sharing information and we use wide network of media partners, supporters, but also members of the organization BPWCR and mentors. Therefore, the conference and its main topic become known to a wide range of people.

15 printed and online interviews with figures and partners of the conference, 81 external articles and parts of the articles with the issues of equal pay, 14 media partners, spots at Frekvence 1 and performance in Český Rozhlas Plus, performance in TV Nova and TV Seznam, 351 thousand spots in Bus TV all around Czechia, 5 press releases, extensive campaign on social media of the event, creation of current content on the web subpage Equal Pay – Equality in pay in cooperation with the project 22 % TO THE EQUALITY by Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. That is Equal Pay Day 2020 so far.

We thank the media partners of the event and ambassadors