Daniela Hlaváčková

Marketing Director for Central Europe at Mars

Friday 31.3.2023

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague

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About me

I am settling into a new role at Mars after 16 months and enjoying both the great results of 2022 and the preparation of the plan with my team for another interesting year. I look forward to the ski season with my family and personally to my continued involvement in Women Leadership programs.

What do YOU DO to be SEEN & HEARD?

I plan to do more. At the moment, the “sponsors” of my career in business (whether superior, colleagues, or mentors) and the sharing of my work experience within the company and outside, so that I can inspire others, are essential for me.

What kind of CHANGE you would like to SEE & MAKE?

I would like to see the issue of women in leadership positions not having to be an issue. Personally, I try to support flexibility and promote as many options as possible for women after maternity leave.

What kind of CHALLENGES are the most imporant in 2023?

Continue to help women around me, pass on experience and thus inspire others. At the same time, develop my team and ensure enough quality leaders for the future.

What would your younger YOU should know?

Risk is profit is not just a phrase, go for every opportunity. And be yourself, let others think what they want.