Edina Seleskovic

Founder and interdisciplinary artist
of Think Freedom project

Saturday  14.11.2020  14:15-15:15

Edina will also lead the main topic
on Sunday  08.11.2020  13:00-14:00

After 20 years of exhibiting experience and recognition within the United States art scene and in my native Bosnia and Herzegovina, I am seeking answers to the questions about the role of culture in our society. Our project Think Freedom on its global journey connects young people and creativity, cultural institutions and cities, art and new technologies.

“Behind every success story there is a brave decision made. If your dream seems impossible to most, your road to success will be paved with many such decisions.”

Mentoring TOPIC: Metamorphoses of Self

Throughout human history, times of ambiguity have led to evolutionary quantum leaps. Our contemporary time of crisis, time of the pandemic, need not be any different. Seeking the answers and inspiration for the metamorphoses of self and the world, arts and artists can be the catalysts for inventiveness, imagination, and innovation. The arts are defined by the adventure of expression, overcoming fears of taking visionary risks in the process of creation. Thus, art is extremely valuable in teaching courage to make new, imperfect things that nobody will understand, through impartiality to alternate perspectives.