Nicoleta Munteanu

Founder & President of KIDS IN BUSINESS

Speed mentoring topic:
Who am I now, where am I, how can I get to where I want to be?

Friday 12.4.2024

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague

Topic:  Who am I now, where am I, how can I get to where I want to be?

The purpose of my topic invites participants to engage in a moment of introspection. Starting from the eight major aspects of life, they will conduct a personal analysis of what is important to them at this moment. Based on the results, discussions will be held to identify opportunities to reach where they desire.

About me

Nicoleta Munteanu is a lawyer and Managing Partner at Euro INSOL, a leader in the Romanian insolvency market. She founded KIDS IN BUSINESS, the only entrepreneurial education program for children taught from primary school onwards, following the signing of the „Entrepreneurial Education Pact“ in 2019 between the Ministry of Education and Research, the National Confederation for Female Entrepreneurship, and the Employers‘ Federation for Oil and Gas.
She is the Vice President of CONAF, Ambassador, and Mentor for women’s entrepreneurship, honors awarded in 2010 and 2011 by the European Commission.

What does the word „opportunity“ mean to you?

To me, „opportunity“ signifies a chance for growth, improvement, or advancement. It represents a moment or situation where one has the potential to achieve something positive or valuable. Opportunities can come in various forms, such as career prospects, learning experiences, personal development endeavors, or chances to make a difference in one’s life or the lives of others. Embracing opportunities often involves seizing them with determination, creativity, and openness to new possibilities.

What would you like to wish Equal Pay Day for its 15th birthday?

Happy 15th birthday to Equal Pay Day, may the journey toward continue with unwavering dedication and commitment!

What opportunity changed your life?

Educational, Personal Development and Entrepreneurial Opportunities based on personal circumstances, interests, and ambitions.

What opportunity did you miss?

In life, missed opportunities can sometimes lead to regrets or feelings of disappointment, but they can also serve as valuable learning experiences and motivation to be more proactive in seizing future opportunities.