Kamila Makhmudova

CFO & Board member, Raiffeisen Bank a.s.

Friday 31.3.2023

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague

About me

I have been born and started my career in Uzbekistan. While working for the World Bank Group, I started to work internationally covering CEE region, Middle East and East Africa. 15 years ago, I joined Raiffeisen Group in Vienna and worked in different capacities in strategy, finance, M&A. From December 2021, I am CFO of Raiffeisen Bank in Czech Republic. I have LLM in International Tax Law and Executive MBA degree from Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration and University of Minnesota.

What do YOU DO to be SEEN & HEARD?

I speak up. I try to express my opinion even if it is in contradiction to the majority or higher ranked management as long as I am convinced and know what I am talking about

What kind of CHANGE you would like to SEE & MAKE?

I think it is also up to women to grab the chances and dare themselves professionally. We sometimes wait too long or dont dare or afraid of the change. I want to encourage women to push the glass ceilings from below rather than wait for change to come.

What kind of CHALLENGES are the most imporant in 2023?

We are heading to more challenging economic environment, which will have an impact on businesses we run. We need to make sure we manage the difficulties with integrity.

What are the topics that are not publicly spoken, but it definitely should be?

I think a lot of topics are discussed publicly, but not all discussions bring the positive change. They remain to be just a topic for discussion. It is important to discuss with actionable commitments.

What would your younger YOU should know?

Unless you show up for yourself noone will give it to you. But showing up for yourself should be done in a way that brings shine to all the colleagues that helped you achieve whatever you are proud of. Having a team on your side gives you the power and the confidence.