Daria Kulachek

Co-owner in Defidu Bakery, Mentoring platform DoToho

Speed mentoring topic:
Dress for Success. Manifest your style – manifest your career

Saturday 1.4.2023

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague

Mentoring Day
Saturday scheduleTicketsMentoring registrations
Topic:  Dress for Success. Manifest your style – manifest your careerr

How we dress is often our first introduction to the world, and the way we present ourselves can impact our personal and professional success. This round table will bring together women from different backgrounds and industries to discuss the dos and don’ts of dressing for success, and how to navigate the challenges and expectations that come with dressing professionally. The round table will focus on several key topics, including how to dress for different professional settings, what to wear for interviews, and how to balance personal style with professional expectations. We’ll also delve into the importance of body positivity and self-confidence in dressing for success, as well as the cultural and societal influences that can impact the way we dress.

About me

Balancing myself between running our bakery with my mum, being a freelance architect and working as a project manager for mentoring platform DoToho! I am passionate about design, fashion and a power of community.