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KRISTIN LA RONCA PARPEL – “ Live your life to the fullest!!!“

The topic of mentor  Kristin La Ronca Parpel, Executive Coach, Consultant and Trainer at KLP Coaching,  is: Keeping things in perspective is an ongoing challenge but something that we should all do on a regular basis.

„I have often (and still do) get wrapped up in the moment. I get excitement about a project, or focussed on an assignment, or upset about a situation (personal and/or professional). At these times, its important to take a step back and remember what is really important in life and all the good things we have going for us. I have learned, over the years, many ways how to keep myself grounded and positive. Please come join me in an interactive discussion about the value of keeping things in perspective. Its something I believe can benefit us all in our professional and personal lives.

There are a series of specific events which have helped me learn how to keep things in perspective. I would like to share them with you and help you discover what it is that can help you keep things in perspective in your own life. This is a personal journey so the answer or „recipe“ will be different for all of you. Once you realise your own personal „check points“ , being positive is pretty simple.“, says Kristin.

See more about her here.